Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Darwin Pride Festival – Volunteer information session

The Darwin Pride Festival Committee will be holding a volunteer information session on Sunday 13 September from 3pm – 5pm. The committee is looking for event volunteers to help with: • Promoting the festival • Customer service (such as providing ushering services) • Set up and packing up at events • Guest judges for the […]

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Youth Pride – Alice Springs

Monthly event for young people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning their sexual or gender identity. Meet other young people and gain support from peers. Second Tuesday of every month.

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

A little bit of Territory history: Why the boat got made

It was like any other Friday arvo. I was sitting down with an icy cold XXXX Gold in hand, watching the sprinkler water my grass. I finished the can and threw it basketball style towards the bin. Miss. The sun glistened on it and that’s when I heard ‘if you build it Cher will come.’ […]

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav

Queer Beer – Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm social, community, lgbtqi, gay, lesbian, queer, intersex, trans*, Darwin, NT, MSM, lgbt, lgbtiq

Can you help? OUTNT.info poster

Rainbow Territory has had a poster printed to help promote the outnt.info website. The website’s purpose is to provide information and community connection to lgbtqi people in the NT. Rainbow Territory is particularly interested in getting posters up outside of Darwin and in remote areas. If you have access to a colour printer download the poster, print […]