Community contacts

LGBTQI community contacts and resources for the NT.
This list may not be up-to-date.
OUT NT and Rainbow Territory do not endorse any of these resources, and reserves the right to delist or not to list a resource.

Last updated Oct 2020


Rainbow Territory

Rainbow Territory is an unfunded Northern Territory community group that advocate for the human rights of Northern Territorians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (‘LGBTIQ’).

Rainbow Territory engages in advocacy and law reform, and runs this website to provide information to LGBTQI Territorians.

Facebook: Rainbow Territory and OUTNT

Sisters & Brothers NT

Advocacy group for Sistergirls, Brotherboys, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous GLBTI people from the Northern Territory.

There is also a Facebook group for sistergirls and brotherboys.


Tracks Dance

Tracks dance is a dance company based in Darwin. Tracks dance has a long history of working with the Darwin LGBTQI community.

True Colours Chorus Darwin

An LGBTQIA+ choir based in Darwin. Now rehearsing!

Rehearsing every Thursday at Charles Darwin University, Casuarina. From 6:30/6:45pm.

For more information please check out the events calendar on this website or head to their Facebook page.


Women Safety Services of Central Australia

This is a women's shelter and support service. This shelter also supports transgender women. Phone: 08 8952 6075

Another Closet (national)

Another Closet. Information and resources designed to help workers and services better understand LGBTIQ domestic violence and therefore provide the best possible help and support to LGBTIQ people and their friends and families.

Dawn House

Dawn House is a shelter in Darwin that provides emergency accommodation and support services to women (trans women included) who care for children and their children who are escaping domestic and family violence.

Please note if you are not caring for children Dawn House cannot provide a service, but could provide a referral to another service.

Ruby Gaea

Ruby Gaea is a provider of specialist post-initial trauma sexual assault counselling, education and training service in the Northern Territory.  We provide free services to the Greater Darwin Region and we are a not-for-profit, non-religious organisation.

Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

Sexual assault referral centres (SARC) can give you support if you have experienced sexual assault. Sexual assault can be verbal harassment, unwanted touching or an attack.


Black Rainbow (National)

Black Rainbow is Australia’s first and only National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Trans* and Intersex (LGBQTI) Suicide Prevention National Advocacy Platform and National Touchpoint.

IndigiLez (National/Queensland)

Leadership and support group for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Lesbians and Same Sex Attracted Women.

Sistergirls and Brotherboys Australia (National)

Gender diverse Aboriginal Sistergirls and Brotherboys ....we also invite family friends and supporters to join our closed group.

Sisters & Brothers NT

Advocacy group for Sistergirls, Brotherboys, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous GLBTI people from the Northern Territory.


Amity Community Services

LGBTIQ friendly drug, alcohol and gambling counselling

Amity counselling services provides a non-judgemental, professional and confidential counselling service, which specialises in the areas of drugs, alcohol and gambling. While this is a LGBTI friendly environment the counsellor's areas that can be discussed are alcohol and or drugs whether for your use or someone else, gambling, co-existing mental health issues and other issues related to the above.

Phone: 89446565 or 1800684372
Address: 155 Stuart Hwy, Parap

Clinic 34 (multiple NT locations)

Free sexual health/STI test. No ID required, no medicare card required. If you don't have an appointment that is ok, you can just turn up.

Headspace Alice Springs

Headspace Darwin

Headspace Darwin runs an LGBTQI youth group, and provides counselling for young people.
Headspace Darwin offers early intervention counselling services for young people aged between 12 and 25. Once a young person is accepted into our service, these sessions take place at the headspace hub in Casuarina, located in Casuarina Complex just off Scaturchio Street. Website

National LGBTI health alliance

The National LGBTI Health Alliance is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTI) people and communities.

Northern Territory AIDS & Hepatitis Council

Non-government organisation working in the area of blood-borne viruses, education and support in the Northern Territory. Darwin and Alice Springs

Northside Health NT, Darwin LGBTI Medical Clinic

Monthly LGBTI clinic in Coconut Grove with expert LGBTI GP’s.

CLINIC LOCATION: Northside Health NT, The Clock Tower, 4/1 Caryota Court, Coconut Grove.
Phone 7999 7448 Email:

CLINIC FEES: Bulk billing for HCC, students, pensioners, and by request. Website

Q life (National)

Online counselling and referral service for LGBTQI community

Relationships Australia (Alice, Katherine, Darwin)

From Relationships Australia NT website:

Provides a welcoming and accessible service to people who identify as Lesbian, gay, brotherboy, sistergirl. bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning (LGBTIQ) and gender diverse

Link to website

Trans health in the NT

Supporting Health and Well-being of the Transsexual, Transgender and Gender Diverse community in NT.


Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (National)

Based in Melbourne, the purpose of the Archives is to collect and preserve historically significant materials that document the lives of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and queers of all kinds; educate the public about the history of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities in all their diversity through public programs, exhibits, and publications.

Darwin Gay History Walk 2014

An 8 page handout to accompany Darwin City's Gay History Walk. Link

Queers of the desert

A website chronicling the history of gay and lesbian life in Central Australia.


Intersex Human Rights Australia  (National)

Intersex Human Rights Australia is an independent support, education and policy development organisation, by and for people with intersex variations or differences. Our work focuses on human rights, bodily autonomy and self-determination, and on evidence-based, patient-directed healthcare.


There is no specific service in the NT for the LGBTQI community, but community members can use existing legal services. Note, some services only provide services to people who meet certain criteria, such as experiencing financial disadvantage.

Darwin Community Legal Service

Civil law, discrimination, homelessness legal service, credit and debt, welfare rights, disability discrimination, tenancy, and aged and disability advocacy service.

Domestic Violence Legal Help

Free legal advice and assistance for people experiencing domestic or family violence
(08) 8999 7977


North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency

NT Legal Aid Commission

Criminal, civil and family law services

NT Anti Discrimination Commission

Report discrimination.


Books Gone Wilde

A monthly community library at the Nightcliff markets in Darwin, focusing on LGBTQI books: non-fiction and fiction. Happening once a month on the second Sunday of the month. Located on the Phoenix St side of the Nightcliff markets.

Darwin City library

Darwin City Library catalogue has a selection of LGBTQI books, including children's books for children with LGBTQI parents. The more the books are borrowed, the more likely DCL is to stock LGBTQI relevant books.

Hares and Hyenas

LGBTQI book store, Australia. Visit in person if in Melbourne, or buy online for the latest LGBTQI books.


PFLAG (National)

Resources for parents of LGBTQI people.

Transcend (National)

Supporting transgender children and their families.


Alice Springs Pride Carnivale

Darwin Pride

Running for over 30 years. New members and volunteers welcome. Pride festival 2019 is in September, events happening during the year also.


Bushrangers LGBTQI basketball team

Playing in Darwin

Darwin lesbian connection

An email list has been created to allow a more personalised contact to the lesbian community as well as a way to continue to connect with each other. To sign up email

It would initially be aimed at lesbians who are new to Darwin and at lesbians who are wanting to connect with like minded people already in Darwin. The email list is run by Jenny Smith.

Darwin Rainbow Families

Darwin Rainbow Families is a group of families that get together every 1-2 months for play dates at family friendly locations around the greater Darwin area.   It’s very friendly, very informal and the kids have fun meeting new friends with families like their own.  Its not exclusive to Darwin and is open for any Rainbow Families in the Top End.

Our Darwin Rainbow Families are same-sex or LGBTIQ parented families; any lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex person who has a child or children; or is planning on having a child or children by way of donor insemination, surrogacy, foster care, adoption, opposite­ sex relationship, co-parenting or other means.

We advertise our events on the Facebook group “Darwin Rainbow Families”.   All welcome.

OWL next-door - lesbian social group 40yr+

We’ve been inspired by the ‘Next Door Neighbour’ groups, and want to have our own ‘OWL Next Door Neighbour Group’ - to support each other.

Our Aim is to stay connected, and support each other’s wellbeing in a safe, respectful environment during these changing, uncertain & isolating times.

Those of us new to Darwin or living/working in remote NT areas may well feel particularly isolated, and we welcome you to be involved.


Sue - 0402 615 164
Surya - 0417 854 565

PRISM - LGBTQI young people

An LGBTQI group for young people 12-25 years. Held at Headspace Darwin. A confidential place to be yourself, feel safe and connect with likeminded young people. Find out informaiton about health, services & support.

Contact: Headspace Darwin, Phone:  Ira (08) 8931 5999, Email:

Headspace is a national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.

Rainbow Women of Darwin

Organises and promotes social events for rainbow women of Darwin. Beach walks, breakfasts, social get togethers. See Facebook page

Rainbow Katherine NT

An LGBTQI group in Katherine NT. Get in touch via Facebook


LGBTQI friendly nightclub, Darwin.

See also health & Sister and Brothers above

The Gender Centre (NSW)

The Gender Centre is committed to developing and providing services and activities, which enhance the ability of people with gender issues to make informed choices. We offer a wide range of services to people with gender issues, their partners, family members and friends in New South Wales.

Genderqueer Australia

Contains resources and information for gender questioning people, people who identify as genderqueer, their partners, family and friends, and professionals who serve genderqueer people.


Supporting transgender children and their families.


LGBTQI young people

An LGBTQI group for young people 12-25 years. Held at Headspace Darwin. A confidential place to be yourself, feel safe and connect with likeminded young people. Find out informaiton about health, services & support.

Contact: Headspace Darwin, Phone:  Ira (08) 8931 5999, Email:

Headspace is a national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.