Apology and introduction of expungement scheme

The Chief Minister Michael Gunner will be apologising in Parliament on behalf of the NT Government to people convicted of consensual homosexual offences prior to 1984. This is an important step towards righting the past wrongs inflicted on the NT’s LGBTQI community.

The Territory Labor Government has introduced to Parliament new legislation to allow Territorians to have their past convictions for consensual homosexual relations expunged.

Hello + queer season

This is the fifteenth newsletter from OUT NT.


As the weather cools down, the NT will heat up with election fever and queer activities galore – enjoy the start of the dry season and get in contact if you want to be part of electioneering or any other queer season activities.

Keeping it short and sweet as there is a lot down below :) the end of the newsletter is always “Cake to Share” so if you don’t see that, expand the email.

Call for members and volunteers

Rainbow Territory has started engaging with NT politicians in the lead up to the 2016 election (we’ve heard 27 August). We have a big list to get through. We need some help in the following areas:

  • Writing to and meeting with NT politicians to get their position on key issues for our community, and work to change their position if it does not support equality and equity for LGBTQI people in the NT
  • Gathering information about inequality in law and policy through research, case studies, and personal stories
  • Keeping the community informed about progress with politicians, and encouraging people to talk to their local members directly
  • Organising a community picnic day
  • Having stalls at some of the local markets to inform the general public about the inequality that exists under NT law and policy
  • Participating in key events like the Sea Breeze Festival and the Beer Can Regatta (see call for CANS and volunteers below)
  • Running regular meetings, improve how we do things as a group, including to make the meetings more accessible
  • Building alliances and relationships with other groups and organiations in and outside of the NT
  • Running the OUT NT website and Facebook page and newsletter to provide a space for community connection and information

Rainbow Territory runs regular meetings every second Tuesday. We are trialling a dial in process so that if someone can’t attend in person, they participate by telephone. We are also having a social/well being dinner after the meeting. All are welcome :) Please bring some $ for your dinner. Full details on the OUT NT website.

Darwin City Council votes yes!

Darwin has joined 37 other councils in supporting marriage equality. A room packed full of community members spoke in support of the vote, and helped to change minds on the night.

The vote got great coverage around the country. What happens now? Darwin City Council will have to action what they have signed up to:
That Council affirm its commitment to treat with dignity and respect all residents regardless of gender or sexuality.That Council write to all Northern Territory Senators, the Federal Members for Solomon and Lingiari and all Federal candidates to encourage them to:
i. Prioritise debating changes to the Marriage Act to achieve marriage equality for same sex couples
ii. Vote in favour of such changes

That Council put a motion forward to the 2016 National General Assembly of Local Government asking them to support changes to the Marriage Act to achieve marriage equality for same sex couples.

Council should then publicly support the removal of any legislation that discriminates against members of our community: which the Marriage Act currently does.

QnewsNT news, and the national campaign group Australian Marriage Equality

LGBTI Silver Rainbow training Darwin, Katherine & Alice Springs (free)

NTAHC is running free LGBTQI awareness training in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

LGBTI Silver Rainbow Training final dates for 2016.The Silver Rainbow last training days throughout the Northern Territory for.

Darwin – May 23rd & June 27th 2016
Katherine – June 15th & 16th 2016
Alice Springs – May 26th 2016

This project is delivering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) aged care awareness training to a broad range of staff working in ageing and aged care, students studying aged care, aged care assessment teams nationally and people that work with LGBTI community.

This free, comprehensive, one day training will help promote a better understanding of the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people. It will provide staff with more confidence to deliver inclusive, best practice service.

Silver Rainbow is a national partnership between Alliance members in every State and Territory.

· Exploring the lives of LGBTI Australians
· Terminology
· Social stigma and assumptions
· Impacts of negative attitudes
· Ageing issues specific to older LGBTI people.
· Current legislation.
· Inclusivity in the work place and working with clients

Please book as seats are limited. Please contact Hande Noyan on 8944 7777 or hande.noyan@ntahc.org.au for more information and to register.

New listings on OUT NT community resource page

OUT NT is a website run by Rainbow Territory to provide community connection and information to LGBTQI people living in the NT. There is a community resource page where resources relevant to the LGBTQI community are listed. Two new resource listings are:
Touch base
TouchBase is a national website providing information on alcohol and drug use as well as mental health and sexual health for LGBTI communities. TouchBase is an initiative of the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) and the Australian Drug Foundation (ADF), in partnership with the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO), developed to address high rates of alcohol and drug use in these communities through a targeted and destigmatising approach and is a comprehensive resource assisting LGBTI people to better manage their own health and wellbeing.

Leadership and support group for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Lesbians and Same Sex Attracted Women.

Founders Rebecca Johnson and Tanya Quakawoot formed IndigiLez Leadership and Support Group in 2008.  Both women are passionate advocates for improving the lives of Indigenous lesbians and same sex attracted women. The women’s personal experiences of growing up in their respective small country communities in the Wide Bay-Burnett and Central Queensland areas have encouraged them to make a difference in the Indigenous community and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community.  As young adults Rebecca and Tanya encountered extremely challenging obstacles because of their identity. Aboriginal, women and lesbian.


How OUT NT works

OUT NT is a website that is run by Rainbow Territory to provide information and community connection to LGBTQI people living in or connected to the NT. It is run by Rainbow Territory members, but operates for the community to help bring people together. A strong and connected community is an active community that can work together to achieve change. This newsletter is part of how people are connected, as well as a Facebook page to communicate between newsletters. Please tell people you know in the NT about outnt to get them connected.

If you have an event that you want to promote, or some news you want to share, or something creative you’ve been working on, please email outnt@outnt.info

Newsletter 15: cake to share


Cake to share is a random section of the newsletter where people can share something with others. Not all cake suits all tastes, so please sample or skip as you wish. Thanks to all who sent in some cake to share. Email your cake to share to outnt@outnt.info

Email through any random articles that you see to outnt@outntinfo or share directly to the OUT NT Facebook page. Get the stories you find interesting out to your community.


A personal project on being a young Pasifika trans man underway
Mexico’s cultural history of LGBT reform

Fairytale love that crosses class boundries and gender!
An LGBTI-themed fairytale book, about a prince named Leo and a farm boy named Jack who meet and fall in love, will be officially published after surpassing its crowdfunding goal.

Idris Elba Calls For Better LGBT Representation In TV And Film. The talents of LGBT, black, female and disabled actors are being “unfairly ignored,” he said.

Australia’s secret history of sexual fluidity

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, Trans, fluid: The spectrum of sexuality and the labels we use to describe it might seem very new, but if we look back, we can see that Australia’s past is chock-full of queerness, Graham Willett writes.

Daisy Meadows, a trans woman incarcerated in a men’s prison, isolation is used both as punishment and “protection.”

Cae Monae’s Debut Music Project, an Examination of Color and Trans Femininity

Solomon IsIands – New Report Finds Traditions which Emphasise Difference Must be Challenged to Address Inequality

20,000 lesbians in the desert (not a story about Alice Springs…)

India’s 1st LGBT cab service ready to roll in Mumbai

Weird or no?!

Two Spirits, One Heart, Five Genders

Coming out in aged care: Michael shares his story

Ellen Page’s Gay Imperialism is Not Activism

Is a gay strike on the cards?

Newsletter 14: Hello + new year, new terms


This is the fourteenth newsletter from OUT NT.


At the start of last year this occasional newsletter used “New Year New Territory” as a kick off for 2015. Do you think the Territory changed between then and now? What will it look like in 2017 after an NT election and a federal election?

Some wonderful things happened during 2015, made possible by hardworking groups and individuals.

  • Darwin had its first ever float in the Sydney Mardi Gras thanks to Departure Lounge, NTAHC, fundraising, and bloody hard work
  • Alice Springs Pride Carnivale did it again with its wonderful pride program
  • Sisters and Brothers NT have been inspiring people and speaking out stronglyfor brotherboys and sister girls, included imprisoned trans people in the NT
  • NTAHC supported our community in big and small ways, including older LGBTQI people
  • Que Kenny became a central Australian radio star on Nurnakah show with some help from Star lady who is now a TEDx star
  • Darwin Pride Festival celebrated 30 years of Pride with an outstanding history exhibition, art of pride, and lots of other events including a pride ride
  • Rainbow Territory has continued its work and is madly recruiting in an election year (more on this below), also going in the iconic beer can regatta
  • Dino Hodge helped to colour the rainbow launching a collection of blak queer trans stories
  • A Darwin lesbian won NT mother of the year
  • NT people are connecting with each other socially, through activism, and collaboration – making the most of this big, small and beautiful place.

All of these actions (and many others not mentioned) change and shape the Territory to make it a place where our community wants to live. 2016 is your opportunity to get involved and get active. If you are going to provide a politician with a new term this year, make sure it is on your terms.

NT in an election year & Rainbow Territory

Rainbow Territory is very conscious that this is an election year. While some great ground work has been done in 2015, this year is a time where there is a lot of momentum for change, but we need help to make it happen. Rainbow Territory needs you to join and get active. Our community continues to be discriminated against. The national focus is on marriage equality, but even if that is changed our community will continue to be discriminated against under NT law, in employment, adoption, access to IVF. Services for trans people, young people and others in our community will continue to be unfunded or ignored. This can change if we get organised:

Image credit: https://pnhpnymetro.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/organizefish.jpg

Some of Rainbow Territory’s work in 2015

  • Made a submission to the review of the NT Domestic and Family Violence Act which highlighted LGBTIQ people’s experience of domestic and family violence, including young LGBTIQ people who are subject to family violence while still living at home
  • Did some not very sexy, but important internal work on processes, strategy, governance and working together
  • Built a boat and sailed it in the Beer Can Regatta with support from Throb, Darwin Pride NTAHC, and lots of lady muscles from the community. The team also won the women’s tug of war and raised the flag for equality in the national news
  • Made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on LGBTQI experiences in the NT
  • Consulted with the community through a 100+ survey and an equality forum at the Darwin Pride Festival, and did fundraising and public stalls raising awareness about discrimination in the NT
  • Worked with service providers in Darwin to improve support for young LGBTQI people in Darwin
  • Continued to promote www.outnt.info to provide community connection and information to LGBTQI people in the NT. This has resulted in new arrivals getting more quickly connected to the community and helped existing NTers be connected and informed

What is next for 2016? Come to the next Rainbow Territory meeting or get-together to find out how to get involved and organised

Newsletter 14: Cake to share

Cake to share

Cake to share is a random section of the newsletter where people can share something with others. Not all cake suits all tastes, so please sample or skip as you wish. Email your cake to share to outnt@outnt.info

This month there is lots of Cake to Share, cake to have later, cake you eat with friends, cake you eat at night time. It’s not in any order!

Email through any random articles that you see to outnt@outntinfo or share directly to the OUT NT Facebook page. Get the stories you find interesting out to your community.

Homemade cake! A Darwinite in Melbourne penned this song to a well known tune to deal with discrimination at a dentist.

My dentist don’t mess around, she asks me straight out if I’m homo or bi.

Why does she need to know, how does this relate to my teeth and why?
I tried to fight the feeling but the thought of speaking out was killing me somehow
Thank God for perseverance, sticking to my morals cos some don’t know how,
Hey ya.
Hey ya.
You think you’ve got it, oh you think you’ve got,
But clearly you don’t get it, why was that on your form?
If what they say is..’mm, oh ok, well thanks for letting us know,’
Then what makes, then what makes, then what makes you change the form?
Why you why you, why you why you why you still in denial cos you know it’s not inclusive here
Hey ya
Hey ya

Making the transition: Long before Caitlin Jenner came out, people who feel they have been born in the wrong body have taken steps to change what gender they’re identified as.

Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project

Marriage inequality. Briton who died on honeymoon in Australia to have same-sex marriage recognised. South Australian premier Jay Weatherill gives personal guarantee that David Bulmer-Rizzi’s death certificate will be reissued with correct status and vows to amend legislation to recognise overseas same-sex marriages

Weird Questions Gay Couples Get “Are you going to have gaybies?”

The Chilean Ministry of Health has issued instructions to its national health sector to stop “normalising” medical interventions on intersex infants and children. This guidance is a global first: the first time that a health ministry has shown leadership in taking this step without legislation or legal action. They have done this while awaiting the development of human rights-affirming treatment protocols and legislation to offer protection from discrimination on grounds of “sexual characteristics”.

Chile Ministry of Health instructs its department of health to stop ‘normalising’ medical intervention on intersex infants and children

‘In My Shoes’ asks five transgender young people what it’s like to be them – the awesome times, the challenges and how they’ve gotten through them. This short, collaborative documentary film is an initiative of the Transgender Anti-Violence Project at The Gender Centre Inc., NSW and is produced by Tahlia Trijbetz, the Transgender Anti-Violence Project (TAVP) Officer.

The 6 Pack Band, India’s First Transgender Band Just Released Their First Song

Fiji turns cold. Fiji’s Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, has been quoted saying that if a woman in Fiji wants to marry another woman, “they should go and have it done in Iceland and stay and live there.”

Meet the Texas teen feminist whose body hair set the twittersphere on fire

What a lesbian feminist looks like