
Rainbow Territory works to achieve law and policy reform for the benefit of Northern Territorians who identify as LGBTIQ. To do this Rainbow Territory advocates when law or policy reform is undertaken. Below lists Rainbow Territory’s past and current submissions.

Current submissions

There are no current submissions in progress. If there is a call for submissions that you think Rainbow Territory should contribute to, please contact Rainbow Territory with the details.


Past submissions

Past submission: Inquiry into the provision of services under the NDIS
for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental condition

Rainbow Territory provided a submission to the 2017 federal government review of NDIS.
A copy of our submission is here: Rainbow Territory NDIS psychosocial disability submission 27 February 2017


Past submission: Inquiry into freedom of speech in Australia

Rainbow Territory provided a submission to the 2016 federal government review of s18c of the Racial Discrimination Act.
A copy of our submission is here: s18 C submission of Rainbow Territory 23 12 16


Past submission: domestic and family violence NT

Rainbow Territory provided a submission to the 2015 NT government Review of the Domestic and Family Violence Act Issues Paper April 2015.

A copy of our submission is here: Rainbow Territory submission to the Review of Domestic and Family Violence Act 2015


Past submission: sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex rights 2015
Rainbow Territory provided a submission to the Human Rights Commission report Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity & Intersex Rights 2015.