Newsletter 14: Hello + new year, new terms


This is the fourteenth newsletter from OUT NT.


At the start of last year this occasional newsletter used “New Year New Territory” as a kick off for 2015. Do you think the Territory changed between then and now? What will it look like in 2017 after an NT election and a federal election?

Some wonderful things happened during 2015, made possible by hardworking groups and individuals.

  • Darwin had its first ever float in the Sydney Mardi Gras thanks to Departure Lounge, NTAHC, fundraising, and bloody hard work
  • Alice Springs Pride Carnivale did it again with its wonderful pride program
  • Sisters and Brothers NT have been inspiring people and speaking out stronglyfor brotherboys and sister girls, included imprisoned trans people in the NT
  • NTAHC supported our community in big and small ways, including older LGBTQI people
  • Que Kenny became a central Australian radio star on Nurnakah show with some help from Star lady who is now a TEDx star
  • Darwin Pride Festival celebrated 30 years of Pride with an outstanding history exhibition, art of pride, and lots of other events including a pride ride
  • Rainbow Territory has continued its work and is madly recruiting in an election year (more on this below), also going in the iconic beer can regatta
  • Dino Hodge helped to colour the rainbow launching a collection of blak queer trans stories
  • A Darwin lesbian won NT mother of the year
  • NT people are connecting with each other socially, through activism, and collaboration – making the most of this big, small and beautiful place.

All of these actions (and many others not mentioned) change and shape the Territory to make it a place where our community wants to live. 2016 is your opportunity to get involved and get active. If you are going to provide a politician with a new term this year, make sure it is on your terms.

Can you help? poster

Rainbow Territory has had a poster printed to help promote the website. The website’s purpose is to provide information and community connection to lgbtqi people in the NT. Rainbow Territory is particularly interested in getting posters up outside of Darwin and in remote areas. If you have access to a colour printer download the poster, print it, and stick it up. We are stronger when we are connected and informed.

Download the poster through this link: OUTNT A4 colour poster

Updates to community resources on

Did you know the outnt website has a community resources page? New resources have recently been added following some research by Rainbow Territory. Trans*, intersex, youth, and domestic violence information and resources have been added. Including information about the Safe Schools Coalition, which is coming soon to the Territory (yay!).

The page lists NT and national resources including health, legal, history, and activist contacts. Check it out and suggest ones that are not there, especially NT based resources.

Reflecting on achievements, planning for action: Rainbow Territory

New year website v0.2

Rainbow Territory has had a busy few months since forming in September 2014:

  • Wrote a letter to the NT Minister for Health commending the governments inclusion of LGBTQI people in their Suicide Prevention Strategy, and have been invited to have ongoing dialogue with the government on this issue;
  • Held an equality rally and launched the OUT NT website outside Parliament house;
  • Released an online community survey which will be used to inform our priorities over the next 12 months. The survey is still open for you to complete
  • Joined Headspace Darwin and the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner in engaging with Wear it Purple Day.

On Tuesday the 21st January, the first Rainbow Territory meeting for 2015 was held. At this meeting we discussed the roll out of the Safe Schools Coalition, the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Consultation, and the importance of governance and strategy.

The coming months are an exciting time for Rainbow Territory as we seek to formalise our structure and identify our priorities for this year. If you would like to be involved, please attend one of our fortnightly meetings. See upcoming meeting dates here. All welcome!

Website development

Web development is going good. The site is a little tricky to work for a novice, but the internet has an extremely helpful community that love problem solving and sharing information, so that makes it easier.

Purpose of the website initiative

In order to improve community connection and visibility, a website sub committee was formed within Rainbow Territory. The main objective being to build a website that provides information to Territorians, and allows people to self organise. It also provides a platform for Rainbow Territory to inform NT and beyond about what is happening and what is on the agenda for change.