Newsletter 23: Ethnic LGBT+ is visiting the NT

Dear Darwin LGBTIQ community, allies, supporters

My name is Mikhara and I would love to meet with you all. I would love to hear from members from all walks of life from the LGBTIQ community in Darwin.

The purpose of the meeting is to capture the stories, experiences and resources available to LGBTIQ people living in Darwin and surrounds. I run a national platform for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) LGBTIQ to share their stories and access support around the specific challenges they face. I believe stories save lives and know the power first hand of being able to see yourself in someone’s stories. I’d love to hear your stories.

When and where?
Mikhara will be at Roma Bar, Cavenagh St, this Thursday 13 September from 12-1:30pm, or you can meet up with Mikhara directly if this time or place does not suit, including if you are not in Darwin.

Contact details for Mikhara: | M (+61) 0424 044 247
Founder – Ethnic LGBT+ |

Newsletter 23: Suicide prevention in the NT funding available

The NT has the highest suicide rate in Australia. Want would you do if you had the $$ to make a difference in the NT lgbtqi community? The government is providing funding to individuals and communities to take action for suicide prevention.

Do you have an idea for a project, activity or action for suicide prevention that can:
– build inclusive communities and strengthen community resilience
– address stigma and discrimination
– raise awareness of effective suicide prevention practices.

The NT government has released grants (closes 2 Oct) for individuals and groups for suicide prevention.

Apology and introduction of expungement scheme

The Chief Minister Michael Gunner will be apologising in Parliament on behalf of the NT Government to people convicted of consensual homosexual offences prior to 1984. This is an important step towards righting the past wrongs inflicted on the NT’s LGBTQI community.

The Territory Labor Government has introduced to Parliament new legislation to allow Territorians to have their past convictions for consensual homosexual relations expunged.

IDAHOBIT @ Charles Darwin Uni 17 May

Come down to CDU to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia #IDAHOBIT. The theme for this year’s event is “Alliances for Solidarity”.

📅 : Thursday, 17 May 2018, from 12pm to 2pm
📍: Mal Nairn Auditorium, CDU Casuarina Campus
🥂: A light lunch and refreshments will be provided

🗣 Guest speakers:
– Sally Sievers: Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, NT
– Meredith Parry: Deputy Vice-Chancellor at CDU
– Dr Danielle Stewart: Northside Health NT
– Louisa Manning-Watson: CDU VET Lecturer and Workplace Assessor

True Colours Chorus Darwin

Remember this bloody awful photo? Well, it didn’t manage to put people off, because about 20 or more Darwinites have been gathering each Thursday to rehearse as part of True Colours Chorus Darwin, Darwin’s own LGBTQIA+ choir.

You can still get involved. Check out the facebook page, or email or go along to the next rehearsal. See events listing below.

LGBTI clinics at Northside Health

Northside Health NT runs monthly LGBTI Specialist Clinics.

Visiting GPs specialising in LGBTI health run a 2 day clinic on a monthly basis to provide welcoming, high-quality health care to members of the LGBTI community.​

Services include:
– Transgender & gender diverse health
– Sexual health
– Mental health
– HIV care, S100, PrEP
– General health care
– Fertility & conception advice
– Non-judgemental expert GP care

Call 7999 7448 or email admin@northsidemedical to find out when the next one is running and to book an appointment.

Northside Health NT. Integrative & Specialist General Practice
4/1 Caryota Court Coconut Grove NT 0810

Darwin Fringe Festival – let’s talk about (gay) sex baby!

Books Gone Wilde the regular LGBTQI community library has had a lot of erotica donated to it over the years. But it just doesn’t get read enough. Some of it is good, some of it is so bad its good, and some of it is currently being eaten by moths. Let’s give it some life, and at the same time talk about something we all think about about – sex.

The people who run Books Gone Wilde want to run an event at the Darwin Fringe Festival in 2018 that takes some of the erotica from the page to the stage. We need people who are interested in performing some erotica on stage (not actually shagging, just actually reading or performing through words).

March – planning
April – auditions/call for talent (or talentless…)
May – rehearsal x 1
June – rehearsal x 2
July – perform at the Fringe, one night only!

You have to be over 18 to participate and attend, but we have no upper age limit. For more information email: or PM Books Gone Wilde on facebook.

Books Gone Wilde LGBTQI community library

Want a good book? Want to meet other community members? Drop by the Books Gone Wilde community library. Happens once a month on the second Sunday of each month at the Nightcliff markets.