Newsletter 11: Hello + recruitment, regatta, and pride, pride, pride


So you may have been reading OUTNT for a while now, or just a little bit. The parent of this unruly child is currently the single parent Rainbow Territory. But being a queer family, Rainbow Territory would like to take on more partners, occasional flirts, long term lovers, and friendships. This is a call out for for more members of Rainbow Territory and volunteers and contributors to OUTNT.

OUT NT’s purpose is to connect the community to information, resources, and one another. Rainbow Territory sees this as an essential part of changing the Territory for the better. Want to see more queers in the NT from young to old? Want to work together to achieve change? Connecting with each other is the first step. OUT NT a way to reach out to your community. But first it needs to grow.

So Rainbow Territory needs help from doers who are interested in writing, creating, marketing, organising and building. If you want to be involved, please email Skype and email will be the primary tool for communicating with each other, so location is no barrier to getting involved (so long as you’ve got some internet).

Rainbow Territory is also looking for more members. Getting involved means working towards law and policy reform in the NT, and supporting and developing community building initiatives like OUTNT. It also means you can shape Rainbow Territory’s future work and meet other awesome community members. Getting active is the key. Please email Rainbow Territory to get involved.

This weekend is the beer can regatta, so you can also meet the crew from Rainbow Territory if you are in Darwin this Sunday. It’s happening from 10am, so come on down!

Love, marriage and happily ever after


So the whole of Australia (and the world) seems to be calling for equal marriage. What happens when a relationship goes wrong? Rainbow Territory wants to hear from you about domestic and family violence in lgbtqi relationships, and between family members. The NT government is reviewing the Domestic and Family Violence act, and Rainbow Territory wants to make sure that the experiences of our community members are included.

Rainbow Territory wants to hear from people in relationships, people currently not in relationships, those who work in domestic and family violence services, and also people who have experienced emotional or physical abuse in the home from other family members such as parents or siblings. Your information can be provided anonymously, or you can provide your own submission to the NT government.

The Rainbow Territory survey closes 10 July 2015. Please go to for more information and the survey link. The above link is not hyperlinked for increased privacy, so just cut and paste it into your browser.

Newsletter # 10 – Hello + NT says “I do”

Newsletter 3 header v0.1

This is the tenth newsletter from OUT NT.


It would make a very strange foursome, but all sitting federal NT politicians have said yes to marriage equality. What does this mean? It means that community activism and sentiment is having an impact, and that politicians are open to listening. It also means that these four politicians will need our support when it comes to the vote for marriage equality, as there will also be a strong campaign from those who oppose yes. More work will need to be done to remove discrimination from NT laws, and your help is needed. Rainbow Territory is developing its strategy for this, and welcomes new members. Get involved, make a difference for yourself and your community.

There are also two significant art shows coming up as part of Alice Springs Pride Carnivale and Darwin Pride Festival. Participation is definitely not limited to established artists. You can participate as an individual or as a group. Remember “art is anything you can get away with”. More details below.

If you haven’t seen it yet, this Living Black episode focuses on Brotherboys, Indigenous trans men. It tells the story of Taz, Kai, and Dean. Dean: “I could not believe there were other people out there like me, I thought I was the only one”. It also tells of acceptance by family and culture of Brotherboys. It is a powerful and inspiring story. Please watch and share.

Marriage equality, the last hurdle?

We do

St Paul’s primary school in Darwin recently attracted national media attention for releasing a 15 page anti-marriage equality flyer in the school newsletter, as has Natasha Grigg ‘s announcement of support for marriage equality.

While marriage equality is an important step for LGBTQI people in the Northern Territory, other inequalities will continue to exist even if the federal marriage act is amended to include same-sex couples. LGBTQI people experience a range of discrimination under NT law including:

  • same-sex couples not being allowed to adopt
  • exemption for religious educational authorities to discriminate against people on the basis of sexuality, where the discrimination is done “in good faith to avoid offending the religious sensitivities of people of a particular religion”
  • requiring a person born in the NT who wish to have their sex altered on a birth certificate undergo sexual reassignment surgery
  • the absence of protection against discrimination for intersex people under the Anti-Discrimination Act.
A recent survey conducted by Rainbow Territory has found changing these NT laws is a high priority for the community. The action by Saint Paul’s demonstrates that discrimination is supported by powerful groups. Discrimination under NT law will continue regardless of the outcome of marriage equality.

Want to do something about it?

Get involved in Rainbow Territory’s fight for equality under the law for all Territorians by attending regular meetings, signing up to our email list, participating in a regular shout outs for vollies, or by telling Rainbow Territory how you can help.

The next Rainbow Territory meeting is Tuesday 16 June, 5-6:30pm, Darwin. If you are outside of Darwin and want to get involved please contact Rainbow Territory. New members are always welcome.

Rainbow Territory beer can regatta

Can count 150 v3

Rainbow Territory are planning to do The Beer Can Regatta this year. We require the help and support of the LGBTIQ Community. We require CANS to build our boat, as well as People Power on the day, and in the lead up to it. There are a few events that we would like to enter as a community. These are:

  • Tug of War
  • Thong Throwing (imagination is encourage)
  • Best Novelty Hat (made out of CANS)
  • Henley on Mindil (for a boat that doesn’t float, fastest down the beach)

Why is Rainbow Territory doing this? This activity supports visibility of LGBTQI people, community building, reaching out to the wider community, and having some fun.

So if you wish for something different and fun come join us on the 12th of July. Lets show everyone what we got!

Don’t forget about the CANS tho we require them ASAP. Thank you in advance for your support. Join the Facebook event to be kept up to date

Updates to community resources on

Did you know the outnt website has a community resources page? New resources have recently been added following some research by Rainbow Territory. Trans*, intersex, youth, and domestic violence information and resources have been added. Including information about the Safe Schools Coalition, which is coming soon to the Territory (yay!).

The page lists NT and national resources including health, legal, history, and activist contacts. Check it out and suggest ones that are not there, especially NT based resources.

Rainbow Territory media release: Equality before the law matters


Monday, 8 June 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASERainbow Territory official logo

Darwin, Northern Territory


Equality before the law matters

Rainbow Territory is a group that advocates for the human rights of Northern Territorians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ).

Rainbow Territory acknowledges Ms Natasha Griggs MP, David Tollner MLA and John Elferink MLA’s recent public announcements of their support for marriage equality.

The group commends Ms Griggs for conducting a marriage equality poll of her electorate. Her change of position parallels the strong support for marriage equality within Darwin and Palmerston.

“Griggs’ change is a positive step for equality. Rainbow Territory hopes that Tollner and Elferink’s support for equality under federal law will extend to equality under Territory law. As it stands LGBTIQ Territorians face ongoing discrimination in employment, adoption and other areas” said Rainbow Territory member, Jane Black.

Marriage equality is an important and positive step for LGBTIQ law reform. It is just one of the changes in Australian law that Rainbow Territory is calling for.

“When community leaders declare their support for marriage equality for LGBTIQ people, it sends a message to society that inequality is no longer acceptable. This is another step towards ending LGBTIQ discrimination” said Rainbow Territory member, Jane Black.

Even when marriage equality is passed into law in Australia, LGBTIQ Territorians will remain unequal under some Territory laws.

Rainbow Territory are currently analysing the survey results of more than 100 people in relation to the changes to NT legislation and policy that some LGBTIQ Territorians want to see.

LGBTIQ equality before the law can have a flow on effect by contributing to a more positive environment for LGBTIQ people on the streets, in the family home, schools and workplaces.

Rainbow Territory invites the community to unite with the LGBTIQ Territorians by writing letters of support and encouragement to media outlets and our local and federal representatives.

If you would like to get involved in our LGBTIQ law reform campaign contact Rainbow Territory through our website

We welcome new members from throughout the Territory.

Rainbow colours of law reform

Rainbow colours of law reform

NT News, print edition, 1 June 2015

Rainbow Territory, an organisation that advocates for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) community, held its second law reform writing meeting in Darwin yesterday.

Rainbow Territory spokeswoman Sam Bowden said the purpose of the event was to draft letters to local and federal politicians in a bid to change legislation.

“We’ll be sending the letter to a lot of people including Chief Minister (Adam Giles) and the NT Attorney-General (John Elferink),” she said.

Ms Bowden said the organisation wanted “gender identity” to be included in the Discrimination Act and an exemption for education institutions to discriminate on the basis of sexuality to be removed from it.

She said protection on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity should be included in the Anti-Vilification Act.

“We want to see these laws amended and to be able to access fertility services,” Ms Bowden said. “The tide has turned slowly when it comes to marriage equality but the rest depends on the hearts and the minds of other people.”

Ms Bowden said community spirit had the power to prompt change.


Rainbow Territory fundraising and social event 23 May

Hi everyone, come and join RT for a fun night of bowls to raise some money and get the community together. Friendly comp of lawn bowls with prizes to be won, BBQ and raffles to be had.

Please wear your best bowls outfit and your playful attitude.

Saturday 23rd May 4pm – late

Facebook link:

Rainbow Territory strategy workshop outcome

To keep the community in the loop Rainbow Territory has provided a rough summary of their recent strategy workshop. The strategy will be documented and published in the next month or so.

How did the the workshop go overall?  
Well. We worked collaboratively and tackled some really ‘big picture’ questions. Productive. Fun. Plenty of food. Challenging but supportive, invigorating. Everyone was very forthcoming and open – led to productive discussions. Bonding and sharing and deep feelings through ice breaker activity. Very well facilitated, negotiated breaks. Finished on time. Listened. Broke into groups to visually represent Rainbow Territory. Good to play coits during the lunch break!
What did Rainbow Territory try to tackle?
Basically the big picture. Who do we represent? What do we stand for and where do we see ourselves? What are we doing? What are we going to do? Working out what Rainbow Territory is working to achieve and in what areas of it is going to work in order to help get the community there.
How did you go about it?
At a really high level we thought about and discussed “Where are we now?”, “Where do we want to be?”, “How do we get there?”.We reviewed the survey results. We looked at statistics on lgbtqi populations, discrimination. We thought about our own experiences. We thought about who was not properly represented in the survey, or at the workshop on the day.
Some of the insights from survey and discussions included:
Being strategic in law reform – trying to change things that are achievable. Making sure we tell the less common stories for example beat safety, loneliness, social isolation – not just telling the common stories from the survey. We are behind the other states in terms of the law.
Importance of acknowledging difficulties in being representative across the whole Territory and not wanting to speak on behalf of people outside of DarwinDiscussion on the day of our current strengths and weaknesses
Diversity / Access to community / Support activist networks
/ Personal / Public awareness / Inequality and lgbtqi discrimination
For those who couldn’t attend, what was their input?
The importance of alliance-building. The importance of values for a group or organisation. The importance of changing things for the better in an equitable and not just equal way.
What is Rainbow Territory’s vision?
A society that is free, equitable, connected
In a society where lgbtqi people can be free to be themselves and fully participate in society.
How do we get there?
Keep talking to each other to get a plan that we are all happy with.
What are your main focus areas for the future
Community building
Law reform

Rainbow Territory present at UN Youth Assembly NT as part of IDAHOT

Last Saturday two Rainbow Territory members Alex and Gail were involved in the United Nations Youth Assembly Human Rights Summit on LGBTQI issues, held at Charles Darwin University. The Summit was one held in most state and territory capitals around Australia, as part of the weekend of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. Aimed at students from years 9-12, the Darwin summit attracted approximately 15 young people.

In delivering the keynote address, Alex from Rainbow Territory looked at the current issues of discrimination facing the rainbow community, provided practical tips on how to engage with the LGBTQI community, as well as spoke about advocacy at a grass roots level. Both members then responded to several questions from audience members on issues such as bullying and name-calling and spoke informally with many other participants during the break. Great job Alex and Gail, and thanks to NTAHC for letting us know about the forum.

More info about IDAHOT.

Updates to community resources on

Did you know the outnt website has a community resources page? New resources have recently been added following some research by Rainbow Territory. Trans*, intersex, youth, and domestic violence information and resources have been added. Including information about the Safe Schools Coalition, which is coming soon to the Territory (yay!).

The page lists NT and national resources including health, legal, history, and activist contacts. Check it out and suggest ones that are not there, especially NT based resources.