Newsletter # 10 – Hello + NT says “I do”

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This is the tenth newsletter from OUT NT.


It would make a very strange foursome, but all sitting federal NT politicians have said yes to marriage equality. What does this mean? It means that community activism and sentiment is having an impact, and that politicians are open to listening. It also means that these four politicians will need our support when it comes to the vote for marriage equality, as there will also be a strong campaign from those who oppose yes. More work will need to be done to remove discrimination from NT laws, and your help is needed. Rainbow Territory is developing its strategy for this, and welcomes new members. Get involved, make a difference for yourself and your community.

There are also two significant art shows coming up as part of Alice Springs Pride Carnivale and Darwin Pride Festival. Participation is definitely not limited to established artists. You can participate as an individual or as a group. Remember “art is anything you can get away with”. More details below.

If you haven’t seen it yet, this Living Black episode focuses on Brotherboys, Indigenous trans men. It tells the story of Taz, Kai, and Dean. Dean: “I could not believe there were other people out there like me, I thought I was the only one”. It also tells of acceptance by family and culture of Brotherboys. It is a powerful and inspiring story. Please watch and share.

Marriage equality, the last hurdle?

We do

St Paul’s primary school in Darwin recently attracted national media attention for releasing a 15 page anti-marriage equality flyer in the school newsletter, as has Natasha Grigg ‘s announcement of support for marriage equality.

While marriage equality is an important step for LGBTQI people in the Northern Territory, other inequalities will continue to exist even if the federal marriage act is amended to include same-sex couples. LGBTQI people experience a range of discrimination under NT law including:

  • same-sex couples not being allowed to adopt
  • exemption for religious educational authorities to discriminate against people on the basis of sexuality, where the discrimination is done “in good faith to avoid offending the religious sensitivities of people of a particular religion”
  • requiring a person born in the NT who wish to have their sex altered on a birth certificate undergo sexual reassignment surgery
  • the absence of protection against discrimination for intersex people under the Anti-Discrimination Act.
A recent survey conducted by Rainbow Territory has found changing these NT laws is a high priority for the community. The action by Saint Paul’s demonstrates that discrimination is supported by powerful groups. Discrimination under NT law will continue regardless of the outcome of marriage equality.

Want to do something about it?

Get involved in Rainbow Territory’s fight for equality under the law for all Territorians by attending regular meetings, signing up to our email list, participating in a regular shout outs for vollies, or by telling Rainbow Territory how you can help.

The next Rainbow Territory meeting is Tuesday 16 June, 5-6:30pm, Darwin. If you are outside of Darwin and want to get involved please contact Rainbow Territory. New members are always welcome.

Cake to share newsletter 10

Cake to share

Cake to share is a random section of the newsletter where people can share something with others. Not all cake suits all tastes, so please sample or skip as you wish. Email your cake to share to

Que Kenny Indigenous transgender activist and radical radio host in photography exhibition “An undeniable right”

“In Ntaria, 130km west of Alice Springs in Australia’s red centre, Que Kenny stands in country made famous by artist Albert Namatjira, her shock of red hair glowing against the clear blue sky. An Aboriginal transgender activist, studying law at Deakin University but living in and working for her central desert community, Kenny has fought against more kinds of discrimination than most.”

Home and abroad, things need to be better

Domestic violence in same sex relationships

Marriage equality debate:

NT News giving it their all on marriage equality

Possible law reform in Tasmania in relation to gender change by a married person

The opposition to marriage equality

Queers against marriage equality

“Marriage is the proverbial burning building, instead of pounding on the door to be let in…queers should be stoking the flames!”

Boy scouts in the US