Community survey nearing 100 respondents

Over the past three months, the Rainbow Territory Community Survey has been a great success with 95 Territorians participating. There is still time to let us know what you think about living, as a LGBTIQ person, in the NT.

What laws would you like to see changed?
Have you experienced discrimination?
Would you like to see more social events?

Even if you have completed to survey, you can help by asking friends, family members, and colleagues to participate, and sharing it on social media. The survey can accessed here

Reflecting on achievements, planning for action: Rainbow Territory

New year website v0.2

Rainbow Territory has had a busy few months since forming in September 2014:

  • Wrote a letter to the NT Minister for Health commending the governments inclusion of LGBTQI people in their Suicide Prevention Strategy, and have been invited to have ongoing dialogue with the government on this issue;
  • Held an equality rally and launched the OUT NT website outside Parliament house;
  • Released an online community survey which will be used to inform our priorities over the next 12 months. The survey is still open for you to complete
  • Joined Headspace Darwin and the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner in engaging with Wear it Purple Day.

On Tuesday the 21st January, the first Rainbow Territory meeting for 2015 was held. At this meeting we discussed the roll out of the Safe Schools Coalition, the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Consultation, and the importance of governance and strategy.

The coming months are an exciting time for Rainbow Territory as we seek to formalise our structure and identify our priorities for this year. If you would like to be involved, please attend one of our fortnightly meetings. See upcoming meeting dates here. All welcome!

Transgenderism in the Northern Territory Online Survey: Summary of Results

To date, little to no research has been conducted on the health and wellbeing status of transgender Northern Territorians. Research which has been conducted on the health and wellbeing status of transgender Australians rarely, if ever, includes Northern Territorians.

In mid-2014, Dr Stephen Kerry, a researcher at Charles Darwin University, conducted an online survey as part of the first phase of a research project on the health and wellbeing of transgender Northern Territorians.

In total 9 people completed the survey. The following outlines some of the key features of their responses.

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