Newsletter 11: Hello + recruitment, regatta, and pride, pride, pride


So you may have been reading OUTNT for a while now, or just a little bit. The parent of this unruly child is currently the single parent Rainbow Territory. But being a queer family, Rainbow Territory would like to take on more partners, occasional flirts, long term lovers, and friendships. This is a call out for for more members of Rainbow Territory and volunteers and contributors to OUTNT.

OUT NT’s purpose is to connect the community to information, resources, and one another. Rainbow Territory sees this as an essential part of changing the Territory for the better. Want to see more queers in the NT from young to old? Want to work together to achieve change? Connecting with each other is the first step. OUT NT a way to reach out to your community. But first it needs to grow.

So Rainbow Territory needs help from doers who are interested in writing, creating, marketing, organising and building. If you want to be involved, please email Skype and email will be the primary tool for communicating with each other, so location is no barrier to getting involved (so long as you’ve got some internet).

Rainbow Territory is also looking for more members. Getting involved means working towards law and policy reform in the NT, and supporting and developing community building initiatives like OUTNT. It also means you can shape Rainbow Territory’s future work and meet other awesome community members. Getting active is the key. Please email Rainbow Territory to get involved.

This weekend is the beer can regatta, so you can also meet the crew from Rainbow Territory if you are in Darwin this Sunday. It’s happening from 10am, so come on down!

Dr Dino Hodge receives Community Contribution Award


PHOTO: L-R Justice Michael Kirby AC, Dr. Terence McClafferty and Dr. Dino Hodge at the launch of ‘Don Dunstan – Intimacy & Liberty’ (Panos Couros photo)

Dr Dino Hodge was presented with a Contribution to the Community award in Darwin in June by NTAHC. NTAHC staff, board members, and community supporters joined together to recognise Dino’s long term and continued contribution to many communities and disciplines. His efforts have had a big impact in Darwin and beyond, and continue today.

From NTAHC’s Facebook page:

  • Dino Hodge has been a member of NTAHC since 1989 and has served the organisation as a Board member and as a volunteer.
  • In his role as Treasurer from 1989 he was instrumental in challenging the Northern Territory government, against significant opposition regarding the distribution of HIV funding from the Commonwealth Government resulting in an improvement in the flow of funds to the Council that provided a platform to employ an increasing number of people to take the Council to the next level in service delivery, and;
  • During this time he was a member of the Councils Legal Working Party that spearheaded a reform agenda that saw improved legal frameworks for the sex industry, needle and syringe programs and improved services into prisons;
  • This work also contributed to the Anti discrimination law introduced in 1990.
  • Dino continues to support the Council in the areas of history and archiving
  • Dino is co-editor of an oral history secondary school text-book on education and careers for Indigenous students. He has written three books: ‘The Fall Upward’, which explores Australian spiritual life, and ‘Did You Meet Any Malagas?’ which examines gay community life in Darwin, as well as his most recent biography on Don Dunstan ‘Intimacy & Liberty’ was launched at the Darwin Outgames by Justice Michael Kirby AC

Newsletter # 10 – Hello + NT says “I do”

Newsletter 3 header v0.1

This is the tenth newsletter from OUT NT.


It would make a very strange foursome, but all sitting federal NT politicians have said yes to marriage equality. What does this mean? It means that community activism and sentiment is having an impact, and that politicians are open to listening. It also means that these four politicians will need our support when it comes to the vote for marriage equality, as there will also be a strong campaign from those who oppose yes. More work will need to be done to remove discrimination from NT laws, and your help is needed. Rainbow Territory is developing its strategy for this, and welcomes new members. Get involved, make a difference for yourself and your community.

There are also two significant art shows coming up as part of Alice Springs Pride Carnivale and Darwin Pride Festival. Participation is definitely not limited to established artists. You can participate as an individual or as a group. Remember “art is anything you can get away with”. More details below.

If you haven’t seen it yet, this Living Black episode focuses on Brotherboys, Indigenous trans men. It tells the story of Taz, Kai, and Dean. Dean: “I could not believe there were other people out there like me, I thought I was the only one”. It also tells of acceptance by family and culture of Brotherboys. It is a powerful and inspiring story. Please watch and share.

Cake to share newsletter 10

Cake to share

Cake to share is a random section of the newsletter where people can share something with others. Not all cake suits all tastes, so please sample or skip as you wish. Email your cake to share to

Que Kenny Indigenous transgender activist and radical radio host in photography exhibition “An undeniable right”

“In Ntaria, 130km west of Alice Springs in Australia’s red centre, Que Kenny stands in country made famous by artist Albert Namatjira, her shock of red hair glowing against the clear blue sky. An Aboriginal transgender activist, studying law at Deakin University but living in and working for her central desert community, Kenny has fought against more kinds of discrimination than most.”

Home and abroad, things need to be better

Domestic violence in same sex relationships

Marriage equality debate:

NT News giving it their all on marriage equality

Possible law reform in Tasmania in relation to gender change by a married person

The opposition to marriage equality

Queers against marriage equality

“Marriage is the proverbial burning building, instead of pounding on the door to be let in…queers should be stoking the flames!”

Boy scouts in the US

OUT NT Newsletter #6: Hello + mardi great

Hello + mardi great

It has been a busy time. Do Darwin did Mardi Gras, and for those who did not participant or watch, Darwin certainly represented. Congratulations to all of the people who worked so hard to get Do Darwin to Mardi Gras. It has been an amazing achievement that the community can be very proud of.

Back at the ranch Darwin Community Legal Service has released their updated publications that include LGBTQI rights in the NT and commonwealth law. Understand current discrimination, know your rights and speak out when they are not respected.

Alice Springs hosted the first train the trainer training session as part of Silver Rainbow, a project to increase LGBTI aged care awareness to support LGTBI people as they move into aged care.

Postcard from the Territory #2


Hello all, writing from rainy Darwin, where the weather is blissful for half of the year with crystal clear skies and sunny days, and humid and wet the other! Darwin is a city of contrasts and surprises, and not only with the weather. We’ve stunning beaches, but we also have crocs. Of all the capital cities, we are closest to the source of Australia’s oil, but our prices amongst the highest! While we have a heap of markets, there isn’t an ALDI to be found. A nightclub you say? Yes, much frequented by the gays!

Tempted? We are a friendly bunch, do visit! Much love, X

Postcard from the Territory is a way to connect between cities, towns, rural, & remote, and new and established Territorians. If you’d like to contribute to future Postcards from the Territory, please email 200 words or less about life in your neck of the woods (or desert), an accompanying picture is most welcome, and sign off as you like.