Queer and feminist writers group

This is a spin-off from the queer and feminist book club, which meets every couple of months to discuss a book.  The writers’ group will be meeting in between the book group meetings.

For more information, the FB group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/207421339874592/

We will be having our first meet up on Saturday 21 July at 10am-12noon at the Botanic Gardens.  This group is catering to people who either are writing with queer / feminist / LGBTQI+ themes, or who would like to but maybe are not sure where to start.  No pressure on anyone to share their work.

There will be writing exercises to try, a discussion of a short piece of fiction, and also discussion of short readings in queer / feminist theory that relate to writing – to think about.

The link to the theory reading we’ll be discussing at the first meet-up is here: https://www.csusm.edu/sjs/documents/silenceintoaction.pdf.

The fiction work is ‘After the Big One’ by Cooper Lee Bombadier from ‘Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers’.

Darwin: Queer and Feminist Book Club

Get in touch if you are interested in attending the next session of the Queer and Feminist Book Club.

Book: Monkey’s Mask, by Dorothy Porter (3 June 2018)

email: outnt@outnt.info

Queer and feminist book club

Get in touch if you are interested in attending the next session of the Queer and Feminist Book Club.

Book: Orlando, by Virginia Wolfe

email: outnt@outnt.info

Darwin: Queer and feminist book club

A casual group of souls interested in feminism, connecting with LGBTQI folks and/or reading fab book! We meet quarterly for chats, good times, geekery and social connection. All welcome and we don’t enforce the reading of the book.

RSVP appreciated but not required. We will be on the table with the rainbow scarf.

This month we will be reading the fabulous graphic novel and autobiography by Alison Bechel titled Fun Home. You might be familiar with her Dykes to Watch Out For comics.

We have a few copies of the book lying around. Get in touch if you would like to borrow one :)