Rainbow Territory update

Rainbow Territory kicked off the year with, a meeting! Yes meetings are big part of our work, here is some of the output:

Developed priorities for this year: law and policy reform focusing on changes to the Anti-discrimination Act to remove all discrimination against LGBTQI peoples in the NT, changing the Adoption Act to remove existing discriminations against same sex couples, improved suicide prevention policies, implementing Safe Schools, and others.

Activity so far
– provided submission regarding 18c changes
– provided submission regarding NDIS
– looked into Rainbow Tick accreditation
– wrote to Michael Gunner re Safe Schools
– met with Natasha Fyles, Attorney General
– attended forums and meetings on mental health & suicide prevention
– developed and launched mental health & suicide prevention survey
– worked on our internal processes

Coming up
– regular meetings, new attendees welcome (check events calendar on outnt.info)
– community visibility & fundraising, stall at the Nightcliff Sea Breeze festival
– provide Rainbow Territory with slogans for NT specific equality and law reform badges “Queer and Here!” “CU haven’t got your rights NT” and then buy them from us

To contact Rainbow Territory please email: lgbtqi2014nt@gmail.com

You can also provide feedback to Rainbow Territory via the OUT NT website without identifying yourself